The Norfolk Island Pine
Norfolk Island Pines make excellent houseplants, as they are low-light tolerant, and help clean the indoor air from pollutants.
This Pine plant is resilience, vigor, and ability to survive mass extinctions. Just give them plenty of natural light! Hails from Norfolk Island. Their propensity for growing in perfectly geometric shapes and patterns have given them the nickname “monkey puzzle trees,” but it is no puzzle why these cone-bearing trees are great house plants.
Strangely enough, the Norfolk Island Pine is not even a pine at all, but rather part of a more ancient lineage of cone-bearing trees in the family, Araucariaceae. Its quirky yet symmetrical shape have make it a fun, alternative option
Thrives in medium to bright indirect light. Can benefit from a few hours of direct sun.Water
Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Increase frequency with increased light. Likes higher humidity. Normal room humidity is fine, but prefers more, if possible.
SYMPTOM: Needles turning brown and crispy at edges.
CAUSE: Underwatered or low humiditySYMPTOM: Yellowing, possible black stems and/or needle drop
CAUSE: Overwatering or too littleToxic to cats and dogs if consumed. Best practice is always to keep houseplants out of reach of small children and pets.
All our plants comes potted in high quality ceramic or exclusive terracotta planters
Special fertilised soil
High Quality decorative stones on the surface
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