Chocolate gift bouquet-3


Shower your dear ones with love and surprise. ????

Delivery time: 3 working days (See description below for detail)

You can also customize your own gift bundle or balloon bouquet. Inbox us in Facebook or, WhatsApp to customize your order.

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Celebrate Happiness ❤️

Grab our balloon bouquets and shower your dear ones with surprises ????

We will deliver LOVE just so you can make your special’s smile ❤️

We have add on and customization options as well. Get creative and customize your own bouquet ????

  • Choose your desired design and text us for details.
  • Let us know 3days prior to the delivery.
  • Delivery charge is 150 taka anywhere inside Dhaka
  • Or pickup from Dhanmondi available
  • You can order from abroad and we will deliver to your desired destination inside Dhaka.


Gift Love

Surprise your dearest with our unique bouquets
Gift Love


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